Seminar – IEC 61850 Basic 12-14 November

Get a thorough introduction to the IEC 61850 standard in a combination of theoretical and hands-on sessions. Get familiar with the IEC 61850 implementation in IEDs from different manufacturers.

Learn how to efficiently test IEC 61850 substations with the CMC test system, IEDScout and SVScout.

Underviser vil være: Ingeniør / tekniker fra OMICRON

Dato: 12-14 november
Sted: Birkemosevej 11D i Kolding 

Dag 1: 08:30 – 17:00
Dag 2: 08:30 – 17:00
Dag 3: 08:30 – 17:00

For flere informationer se:

Deadline for tilmelding 21st October